i have no idea in what order these goals originally appeared (despite the fact that there were only three), but to save me the arduous task of clicking the "view blog" button once, i'll start here...
1. get in shape/exercise
so ok, i've been wanting to shed a few pounds. sometimes i think it's vanity. other times i realize that my jeans won't go on anymore, and that certain shirts no longer button. i made a lateral move at my job this past september that put me in a position where i'm performing alot less manual labor. as a result, i've been alot less stressed out, but i now get significantly less daily exercise and thus the extra pounds-hence the nature of goal #1. it got off to a rocky start, but in the last few weeks i've been doing bicycle sprints semi-regularly at the gym at school, and my bag is all packed up for a session of pick-up hockey tomorrow morning.
prognosis: positive
2. sign up for drum lessons
"it takes but a phone call to accomplish this task, david." indeed. indeed. but, as some of you may know, i am very very lazy. so, at times, a task as simple as "making a call" can be indomitable when the thought of it enters my brain. alas, i've overcome these weird odds and have now had 5(?) drum lessons, which have actually proved very useful in increasing my hand speed and control, and learning basic, foundation-building rudimentary exercises. you can check out my progress in this video:
prognosis: positive
3. record folk/whatever album
hmmm. this one never seems to get done when i mean to; i usually just end up feeling like recording something one day and then i do it...or i just think up awesome ideas that sometimes become realized.
prognosis: negative
well, i set out to master ableton live 6 a few days ago and i already know more than i used to, so it can't be considered a total failure.
so in summary, i feel like my new year's resolution/winter break goals have been successful up to this point in the year. here's a picture of our developmentally disabled dog Mongo.

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