i have god damned jury duty tomorrow. i have to be there at fucking 7:30 in the morning. it's cool, jury duty, i don't have class and a ton of other shit to do before i go to work, no worries. i actually enjoy getting no sleep and missing classes that i'm already doing shitfully* in to drive to upper fucking marlboro. thanks jury duty. you son of a bitch.
anyway, so i plan to show up in my pajamas smelling like booze. this coupled with my loud phone talking and overt use of my ipod should probably get me off the hook. if these attempts prove futile, i'll have to go to plan B, which involves asking them if i can bring my crossbow into the building in a way that incorporates more racial slurs than normal.
seriously though, what the fuck? i guess it's sort of my fault. i mean, you've seen the way i look-i forget shit. i remembered to call them tonight at like 1, whereupon a pleasant computer voice told me my ass had to report...at 7:30. actually, good looks goes out to my sister. luckily i called her back and during our convo she mentioned something about her friend having to go to jury duty which reminded me of my impending civic duties. otherwise, by tomorrow evening i would probably be in jail or incurring some kind of ridiculous maryland fine for not showing up.
in reality, i will go dressed normal, not drunk or carrying medieval weapons of any kind. i will hate being there and think of other things i could be doing. i might get called and i might not. if i do, it may actually be interesting; if not, i will have had a good excuse for not going to class, i guess.
*shitfully is a word
a note about this post: when doing an image search for "jury duty" i came across alot of screenshots from a porn movie with that very name. my jury experience will not be like that movie.
another note: i have no idea why, but every time i went to spell "jury" it came out "juery".
you never know, you might get some really interesting case or have an opportunity to set some legal precedent and change the course of our nation! it is an honor to be selected for jury duty dave, and you should treat it as such. plus, don't you get paid like $5 a day?
dave...i think the best way to get out of jury duty is to get in the mindset of the weasel
do you want a waaahburger? maybe with a side of french cries? some cheese to go with that whine?
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