as most of my readers know, i've been dating a girl named katie for a few months now. she's cute/smart/funny/quirky and in my opinion, things seem to be going well. we get along, but often find ourselves disagreeing on one particular subject. it seems that there is a discrepancy in the set of facts that either of us presents regarding our first date. i will now use the blog format to resolve this dispute and set the record straight.
it was late december of 2008 and christmas was fast-approaching. our friend bub was having a party at his silver spring house, and kevin, chris and i decided to go. it was a friday night and i wouldn't get home till a little before ten. my friends were accomodating enough to wait for me.
there were only a few people at the house when we got to the party. i started with a strong drink and decided that i would be especially social that evening. as the night grew old i grew very drunk, and my list of people met and ladies charmed grew tall. suddenly i noticed that a little person was talking to me. she was about 4'11", snowy white skin, strawberry blonde hair and very pretty. she looked really wasted and was slurring her speech and falling all over me, but there was something very charming about her, so i stuck around.
"hi, i'm katie" she said. "can i pleeeeease get your number?"
"sure," i replied. "here it is. my name is dave. your beauty has me speechless, unlike the twelve other only mildly attractive girls that have given me their numbers this night. wilst thou now come with me, little one? i have something to give you."
it was the eve of the winter solstice and the full moon above was huge. together we walked through a standing of tall, black, leafless trees and crossed a wooden bridge where we came upon a snow-covered knoll. her eyes were cold and beautiful like the full moon in a frozen river. it was here that i presented her with the Moon Ring that she now bears, anointing her my lover...