the road cormac mccarthy
the road is cormac mccarthy's tale about a boy and his father trying to survive in the wastes of a perpetually gloomy post-apocalyptic american wasteland. despite mccarthy's strange poetry-as-prose* writing style, it is a pretty easy read. i'll admit that it took me a little while to get into, but i finished the second half of the book in about three days. all the gloom and desolation of the book is redeemed by the ending which almost made me cry. i can't remember the last book to do this-maybe my first reading of lord of the rings? childhood's end? anyway, read this book. they're making a movie out of it now which makes me a little wary, but viggo is in it, so it probably won't be that bad.

mirror's edge xbox360 game
in this game you play as kate or vanessa or something. you are this quasi asian parkour expert who jumps from catwalk to standpipe to rooftop avoiding cops in a city that makes me think that all its inhabitants shop at ikea. it looks pretty cool and everyone seems to like it. while i've never actually played this game, about it i know this: no other game has caused louise more visible infuriation. often times i'll be eating lunch while she's playing when suddenly she drops the controller onto the table and buries her face in her hands, letting out some typed of distressed moan.

kevin's new comic books
while they initially looked like winners at 10 for three dollars, upon further inspection i feel that may not be the case. last night i opened "chesty sanchez". in it, some type of virus is unleahsed into mexico's food supply, and chesty sanchez, luchadora profesional must stop whoever is doing it or solve the case or something. it's a piece of shit. the artwork is bad, the story is bad. in kevin's position however, i would have bought this one too.
i think i will grab the new busty st. claire comic next time i am on main street.
the last book that made me cry was old yeller. i've played the demo of mirror's edge and it's pretty sweet.
I read The Road also, it was an Oprah book club selection. Dave, I am seeing a softer side of you... Oprah books and the WB.
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