Monday, April 5, 2010

21 DFF Day 7

It's been a while since my last update on The Fast, but I didn't think that anyone would want to read "Today I bought gas, then considered browsing for hockey gear online, then stopped myself and ate a bunch of cheese..." every day. Anyway, Day 7 is winding down and I just want to give a quick recap of how things are going.

I'm enjoying not gorging myself at restaurants, fast food and otherwise, and I feel a little more at ease with the fact that money is not leaving my hands on a daily basis. As last week was winding down, I was a concerned about the upcoming weekend, since this is typically when I end up doing the most unnecessary spending (Bob Evans). Instead of going out, I made an egg, cheese and sausage muffin for breakfast and later K and I had a nice picnic of home made Italian subs at Great Falls. I don't really miss eating out. We're cooking at home more often and have experimented with a few different recipes. I am really appreciating the fulfillment of cooking/eating meals that are cheaper, healthier and sometimes better than restaurant food. Okay, I will stop myself here, lest I lose one of my three readers.

Week 1 assessment: prognosis positive. Weight 178.6lbs.

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