"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."
There is a reason that's tattooed across my chest. It's because it is a quote from one of the greatest cinematic achievements of all time. There are roughly seven lines of dialogue in the entire film, but the story and sweeping cinematography tell the tale by themselves, and the use of a cast largely composed of non-actors (a dancer, a professional surfer, bodybuilders, etc.) adds to the awesomeness. There is one main theme at play here-vengeance. The story is simple, and teaches the young that if your parents are murdered and you are enslaved, you must become strong and eventually destroy all who oppose you on your path to vengeance. My 7 year old has seen this movie with me on many occasions, and always tells me that he wants to "crush his enemies". He's so cute. An amazing score by Basil Pouledoris and a surprise cameo by Max Von Sydow just add mead to the mutton table. If you can seriously give this movie less than 4 stars, you should have your Netflix account revoked. I tried to give Conan The Barbarian 121100000000000000 stars but for some reason Netflix technology has not yet caught up with how good this movie is. See it now, or be trampled beneath the sandalled feet of the Cimmerian usurper...
nicely done
What is your take on Beast Master?
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